Thursday, May 21, 2009

Swine Flu

A new influenza has scared everyone. It was even thought that it would turn into a pandemic, but what has happened to it know? Once the swine flu started in Mexico there was news about it everywhere and on every television news channel. When you sat in your car all you would hear is about this new flu. People now have started to relax and not think about it anymore. However, it is still a major concern because there have been a total of 719 cases in Canada. When this influenza started it was just in Mexico, but now it has spread to Canada with some force. Many schools were shut down in the Unites States. My family was also worried by this new flu when we first heard about it. I started being more careful and I also started following some of the ways to protect against this new problem.

In my opinion people should still be aware of the consequences and symptoms of the swine flu. So if anybody in someone’s family was to get sick they could get it treated right away. This would help decrease the spread of the swine flu. If we still kept the awareness high people would continue to wash their hands. It has the same symptoms as seasonal flu so it is hard to tell if it is swine flu or just a regular flu. For this reason there is a helpline to ask people if you might have it. If you want to be safe then you should go to your doctor and get checked. This is better than waiting to see if anything bad happens and then it’s too late. I have tried to wash my hands as much as possible so I can stay away from this nasty flu. I hope that soon scientists find some kind of injection to help cure people that might catch this dangerous flu.